Personale docente

Lorenzo Picco

Professore associato



Telefono: 0498272695


  • presso Floor 3, TESAF Department.
    Everyday available after email agreement

Professore Associato presso Dip. TESAF, Università degli Studi di Padova;


1. Dipartimento TESAF, Università degli Studi di Padova;
2. Institute of Civil Works, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile General Lagos 2060, Bld. 11.000 Valdivia, Chile;
3. RiNA Natural and Anthropogenic Risks Research Center, Universidad Austral de Chile General Lagos 2060, Bld. 5000, 2nd Floor Valdivia, Chile.


Corso in "Mountain river morphology and restoration",laurea magistrale Forest Science (in inglese) - 7CFU;

Corso in " Channel Morphology, large wood and sediment fluxes in mountain rivers" Laurea triennale, Land and Landscape restoration and enhancement" (in inglese) - 4CFU;

Corso in "Basic Statistics", Scuola di Dottorato LERH (in inglese) - 1CFU;

Corso in "Applicazioni GIS in Agricoltura", Laurea magistrale Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie (in italiano) - 4CFU.


1. Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Settore Concorsuale 07/C1 - I Fascia – Quinto Quadrimestre, valida dal 15 Ottobre 2018 al 15 Ottobre 2028;
2. Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Settore Concorsuale 07/C1 - II Fascia – Quarto Quadrimestre, valida dal 3 Aprile 2018 al 3 Aprile 2028;

1. Tarolli P., Zuecco G., Picco L., 2023. Watershed resilience to climate change: from hillslopes to rivers and coasts. Evolving Earth. Earth. j.eve.2023.100010.
2. Picco L., Rainato R., Pellegrini G., Iroumé A., Lenzi M.A., 2023. The role of in-channel vegetation in driving and controlling the morphological changes along a gravel bed river. Geomorphology 437, 108803.
3. Paredes A., Martini L., Iroumé A., Picco L., 2023. Modeling of landslide susceptibility and degree of connectivity as sediment sources in a basin affected by volcanic eruptions. Science of the Total environment, 883,163745.
4. Romagnoli F., Cadei A., Costa M., Marangon D., Pellegrini G., Nardi D., Masiero M., Secco L., Grigolato S., Lingua E., Picco L., Pirotti F., Battisti A., Locatelli T., Kristina Blennow K., Gardiner B., Cavalli R, 2023. Analysis of windstorm impacts on European forest-related systems: an interdisciplinary perspective. Forest Ecology and Management 541, 121048.
5. Sitzia T., Iacopino S., Alterio E., Comiti F., Surian N., Mao L., Lenzi M.A., Picco L., 2023. Revisiting vegetation gradient analysis and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis for the interpretation of riverine geomorphic patterns. Land 12, 378.
6. Iroumé A., Sanchèz K., Mazzorana B., Martini L., Picco L., 2023. Large wood dynamics in a mountain river disturbed by a volcanic eruption. Geomorphology 422, 108551,
7. Pellegrini G., Mao L., Rainato R., Picco L., 2023. Surprising suspended sediment dynamics of an alpine basin affected by a Large Infrequent Disturbance. Journal oh Hydrology 617 (A),

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Ultime 13 pubblicazioni ISI:
1. Tarolli P., Zuecco G., Picco L., 2023. Watershed resilience to climate change: from hillslopes to rivers and coasts. Evolving Earth. j.eve.2023.100010.
2. Picco L., Rainato R., Pellegrini G., Iroumé A., Lenzi M.A., 2023. The role of in-channel vegetation in driving and controlling the morphological changes along a gravel bed river. Geomorphology 437, 108803.
3. Paredes A., Martini L., Iroumé A., Picco L., 2023. Modeling of landslide susceptibility and degree of connectivity as sediment sources in a basin affected by volcanic eruptions. Science of the Total environment, 883,163745.
4. Romagnoli F., Cadei A., Costa M., Marangon D., Pellegrini G., Nardi D., Masiero M., Secco L., Grigolato S., Lingua E., Picco L., Pirotti F., Battisti A., Locatelli T., Kristina Blennow K., Gardiner B., Cavalli R, 2023. Analysis of windstorm impacts on European forest-related systems: an interdisciplinary perspective. Forest Ecology and Management 541,121048.
5. Sitzia T., Iacopino S., Alterio E., Comiti F., Surian N., Mao L., Lenzi M.A., Picco L., 2023. Revisiting vegetation gradient analysis and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis for the interpretation of riverine geomorphic patterns. Land 12, 378.
6. Pellegrini G., Mao L., Rainato R., Picco L., 2023. Surprising suspended sediment dynamics of an alpine basin affected by a Large Infrequent Disturbance. Journal oh Hydrology 617(A),
7. Iroumé A., Sanchèz K., Mazzorana B., Martini L., Picco L., 2023. Large wood dynamics in a mountain river disturbed by a volcanic eruption. Geomorphology 422, 108551,
8. Sanhueza D., Picco L., Paredes A., Iroumé A., in 2022. A faster approach to quantify large wood using UAVs. Drones 6, 218,
9. Guzman E., Fernandez P.M., Alcade J.A., Contreras S., Raumonen P., Picco L., Montalba C., Tejos C., 2022. Phyllotaxis transition over the lifespan of a palm tree using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS): the case of Jubaea chilensis. Plant Methods.
10. Pellegrini G., Martini L., Rainato R., Picco L., 2022. Large wood mobilization and morphological changes in an Alpine river following the release of an ordinary experimental flood from an upstream dam. Catena 2016, 106398
11. Martini L., Cavalli M., Picco L., 2022. Predicting sediment connectivity in a mountain basin: A quantitative analysis of the index of connectivity. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47, 1500-1513.
12. Pellegrini G., Rainato R., Martini L., Picco L., 2021. The morphological evolution of a step-pool stream after an exceptional flood and subsequent ordinary flow conditions. Water, 13(24), 3630;
13. Rainato R., Martini L., Pellegrini G., Picco L., 2021. Hydrological, geomorphic and sedimentological responses of an alpine basin to a severe weather event (Vaia storm). Catena 207, 105600.

- Geomorphology;
- Morphological change;
- High resolution topography;
- Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS);
- Airborne LiDAR technology;
- Aerial photogrammetry;
- Index of Connectivity (IC);
- High resolution digital models (DEM, DTM, DSM, CHM, DoD);
- GIS analysis;
- Fluvial geomorphology;
- Sediment Transport;
- Sediment Management;
- Large Wood dynamics and characteristics;
- Fluvial Island dynamics and characteristics;
- Riparian vegetation;
- Gravel bed rivers;
- River restoration;
- Mountain and piedmont streams and basins;
- Human impact;
- Channel control works.

Disponibili tesi per lauree triennali e magistrali, da concordare con candidati, sulle tematiche:

- Materiale legnoso in alveo: dinamica d'alveo, misurazione da remoto, dinamica degli accumuli, interazione LW morfologia
- Morfodinamica fiumi a fondo ghiaioso: analisi morfodinamica alveo attivo, uso dati remoti (LiDAR), DoD, UAV
- Impianto sistematorio: valutazione stato di fatto opere SIF, interazione opere-flussi, valutazione efficacia/efficienza
- Vegetazione riparia: caratteristiche vegetazione, interazione vegetazione morfologia

Disponibile per ricevimento ogni giorno dalle 9:00 alle 18:00, dopo appuntamento via email presso ufficio Dip. TESAF