Acronimo: ECOSTAR

Titolo: "European Research and Enterprise Alliance on Marketing and Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity"

Bando: Erasmus+ KA2 (Cooperation)

Durata: Starting date: 01/01/2016 - Project end: 31/12/2018 (36 months)

Coordinatore: P1 - (UNIPD) Università degli Studi di Padova

Budget totale EU: €  982.679,00

Budget TESAF: €  217.069,00

Responsabile scientifico: Davide Matteo Pettenella

Team: Alessandro Leonardi; Enrico Vidale; Gianluca Marchiori

Riassunto: The project aims to introduce entrepreneurship and innovation education within Forest and Environmental Policy and Economics (FEPE) university departments around Europe. The project will create and foster collaborations between universities and innovative start-up and successful businesses that operate in the field of FEPE in Italy, England, Spain and Romania. The collaboration will produce an innovative blended learning course (mixed e-learning, frontal and practical training course) and a European start-up support group on entrepreneurship and innovation targeted to PhD, research staff and professors of university departments working in the field of FEPE.

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