Forest Strategy

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Acronimo: Forest Strategy

Titolo: Study on progress in implementing the EU Forest Strategy

Bando: Other Funding Scheme

Durata: 9 mesi (entrerà in attività alla data della firma dell'ultimo partner = 19/12/2017 - 19/09/2018)

Coordinatore: EFI - European Forest Institute (FI) 

Budget totale EU: €  229.000,00

Budget TESAF: €  25.000,00

Responsabile scientifico: Davide Matteo Pettenella

Team: Laura Secco, Paola Gatto, Mauro Masiero

Riassunto: The objective of the study is two-fold: 

  1. Review of progress in implementation: To make an assessment of the implementation of the EU-FS, covering the eight priority areas identified in the EU-FS and the associated strategic orientations. To this end, the assessment will consider the Multi-annual implementation Plan (MAP) and the actions listed therein addressing the strategic orientations identified for each priority area in the EU Forest Strategy. 
  2. Progress towards objectives: To assess progress towards the achievement of the objectives of the EU Forest Strategy, in the light of the assessment made in (1) and taking into account the evolved policy context, identifying, to the extent feasible, any remaining gaps and shortfalls. 

The assessment will also reflect on the priorities for the Commission services in the period 2015-2017 as defined in the MAP, and explicitly contribute to the review of priorities for the subsequent period. The present study will help form the knowledge base for the review stipulated in the Strategy by gathering, collating and analysing relevant information from the European Commission, Member States and other relevant sources.
The study will fully cover seven themes, which altogether will address seven out of the eight priority areas of the EU Forest Strategy. The Study Themes are:

  1. Fostering the competitiveness and sustainability of the EU's Forest-based Industries, bioenergy and the wider green economy; 
  2. Forests in a changing climate; 
  3. Protecting forests and enhancing ecosystem services. 
  4. What forests do we have and how are they changing? 
  5. New and innovative forestry and added-value products; 
  6. Working together to coherently manage and better understand our forests; 
  7. Forests from a global perspective. 

The first priority area of the Forest Strategy (Supporting our rural and urban communities) is mostly covered by the "Evaluation of the forestry measures in Rural Development" and therefore will not be the subject of a separate theme in this study. However, the consortium will consider any other relevant actions outside the scope of the ongoing Evaluation or possible gaps in this area. This will be safeguarded by assigning one consortium partner the explicit role of conducting a gap analysis and covering the crucial missing parts.

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