Acronimo: RESONATE

Titolo: Building individual and community RESilience thrOugh NATurE-based therapies


Durata: 01/06/23 - 31/05/27  (48 mesi)


Budget totale EU: € 6.329.889

Budget TESAF: € 625.346

Responsabile scientifico: Secco Laura

Research Team: Laura Secco, Elena Pisani, Giovanna De Mas, Michela Zanetti, Mauro Masiero e Davide Pettenella

Riassunto: RESONATE will bring together a consortium of world leaders in Nature-based Therapy (NbT) research, practice, and innovation with stakeholders in the health, environmental, economic, and societal sectors to: a) build a stronger causal evidence base of the links between nature, health and well-being; b) demonstrate how multi-sectoral stakeholders can collaborate to implement locally applicable/acceptable NbTs; c) increase public and policy maker awareness of the potential benefits of nature for health; and d) ensure wider utilization of cost-effective NbTs, in order to help build more resilient individuals and communities in urban, rural and coastal settings. This will be achieved by developing an on-line interactive map of existing NbT projects, and conducting 9 Case Studies (CSs) using longitudinal cohorts and Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) spanning 8 countries, urban, rural, and coastal settings, and targeting primary (population wide), secondary (at-risk), and tertiary (existing condition) disease prevention/health promotion levels. Each CS will monitor a broad set of impact relevant outcomes including, equity (fairness/inclusivity), environmental sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and social acceptability, and selected CSs will develop social innovation Nature-based Resilience Hubs to demonstrate best practice intersectoral collaboration that can be replicated across contexts. Results will be synthesised using intersectoral scenario analyses giving insights into scaling-up and scaling-out potential, and summarised in a series of practical guides aimed at different end-users, as well as an overall “What works nature-based therapy” guide for successful NbT implementation at scale. A proposed Network Nature style Task Force for NbTs, bringing together consortia funded under this and related calls, and an expert advisory board of international NbT leaders will support integrated engagement, communication, and dissemination activities for maximum reach.

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