Title: STALLA 4. 0 “Sustainability of dairy farms for the future: competitiveness, environment and society towards the emerging needs of community”

Call: PSR 2014-2020 MIS.  DGR 2175 DEL 23/12/2016


Duration: 22/12/2017 - 22/12/2022 (60 mesi)

Total Budget: € 1.042.090,43

TESAF Budget: € 117.333,33 

Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Samuele Trestini

Team: Samuele Trestini; Cristian Bolzonella

Brief description: The problem that will be solved with the project STALLA 4.0 is to increase the economic, environmental and social sustainability of dairy farms of the Veneto Region. Public opinion is less and less inclined to accept the "intensive" breeding model that is unresponsive to animal welfare issues and is identified as the responsible for soil, water and air pollution. In addition, dairy farms are experiencing a heavy economic crisis that seriously impaired their future. The innovative solution adopted is the creation of a SMART management tool for the dairy farms, accessible by mobile support, which stores, analyses and evaluates just in time the economic, environmental, and animal welfare performances. Information will be shared and processed through a centralised Hub with a two-way flow of information (from and to the Hub) for benchmark evaluations of individual businesses. The Stalla 4.0 project fully respects the PEI aims for promoting competitiveness, reducing emissions and improving resilience in dairy farming through the efficiency of breeding systems by working in harmony with the community's expectations regarding the protection of natural resources and respect for animal welfare.




Project funded by Programma di Sviluppo Rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020

Organization responsible for the information: Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento TESAF

Managing Autorithy: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste