Title: FITOCHE - "From fields to cheese"

Call: PSR Regione Veneto 2014-2020 DGR n.736 del 28/05/2018  Misura 16 COOPERAZIONE  - Operazione  16.1.1 e 16.2.1


Duration: From 4/19/2019 to 4/19/2022(36 months)

Total budget: € 338.235,29

TESAF Budget: € 20.000,00

Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Paolo Tarolli

Team: Paolo Tarolli,  Samuele Trestini

Brief description: The problems to be solved with the FITOCHE project concern:

  1. the reduction of fodder essences, traditionally present in mountain pasture meadows, as well as the abandonment of mowing and grazing with the progress of the forest; 89/5000;
  2. the land degradation risk;
  3. the risk of compromising over time the "common consumer feeling" that recognizes the mountain product a superior quality and genuineness, as well as a role of soil protection;
  4. the lack of specific production disciplinary in order to protect and promote the production of raw mountain milk (which may also have other value, such as organic products) for the production of excellent dairy products and still little known and documented.

The innovative solution adopted is to foster a synergistic process among the major cooperatives of the Veneto mountain dairy, through a holistic approach that includes the deepening of the historical-cultural aspects of dairies, the adaptability of mountain livestock systems to the territory and the their relationship with the biodiversity that populates the Veneto mountain.  In addition, aspects of the geographical and aromatic traceability of dairy products will be applied, all with the implementation of investments along the dairy supply chain, encouraging the transfer of scientific knowledge, with the control and development of good practices.




Project funded by Programma di Sviluppo Rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020

Organization responsible for the information: Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento TESAF

Managing Autorithy: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste