Francesco Marinello

Full Professor


Address: Viale Dell'Universita', 16 - Legnaro (PD)

Phone: +39 0498272722


Web page


Francesco Marinello is a full professor in biosystems engineering at the University of Padova (Italy). After his PhD in precision engineering and metrology jointly supervised by the Technical University of Denmark (Lingby, Denmark), he spent two years at the InterUniversity Center for Nanotechnologies (Venice, Italy) and two years at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (Lugano, Switzerland). Since 2012 he is researcher and since 2024 full professor at the University of Padova (Padova, Italy) and since 2017 Adjunct professor at the University of Georgia (Athens, USA): he is responsible for the courses in Agricultural Mechanics, Precision Farming, Applied Statistics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Agriculture.
Francesco Marinello is:

Francesco Marinello is author or co-author of 5 patents and more than 200 papers indexed by Scopus and published in journals or presented at national and international conferences. Additionally he is or has been:

  • editor of a book and two special issues
  • in the scientific committee of several international conferences

Updated lists of works can be found here:

Research Areas
Research activities mainly deals with:

  • development and testing of new sensors for quantitative characterization and monitoring soil, plants and machinery
  • remote sensing technique, from satellite (in particular Sentinel 2) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)
  • implementation of precision agricultural practices
  • study, modelling and testing of agricultural machinery and autonomous systems
  • analysis of agricultural practices impact on environment.

PhD Students
Francesco Marinello has supervised and/or hosted master thesis students and PhD candidates from Italy, China (CSC candidates), Egypt, Armenia, Spain. 
Exchange PhD candidates and students are welcome in our research group. For information please contact:
