Title: VA_MO “Pomegranate Add Value  Can we add value to Pomegranate crops by processing and short chain?”

Call: PSR 2014-2020 MIS.  DGR 2175 DEL 23/12/2016

Coordinator: AGROMANIA S.c.a.

Duration: 22/12/2017 - 22/06/2020 (30 months)

Total Budget: € 369.350.57

TESAF Budget: € 72.390,09 

Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Samuele Trestini

Team: Samuele Trestini

Brief description: Through the VA_MO project, the leader partner intends to promote the opportunities offered by the new trends in food consumption. Especially those that are increasingly oriented, both in terms of value and volumes, to innovative agrofood products characterized by ease of consumption and high nutritional and healthy qualities, such as fresh ready-to-eat fruit, linked to a territory towards who consumers are confident, both in terms of food safety and respect for the environment. The innovative solution adopted consists in the realization, from a technical and commercial point of view, of a new agri-food product chain, namely fresh pomegranate arils, absent in the local market, based on agricultural productions in the regional territory.  The GO is composed of the leader, AGROMANIA, agricultural co-operative, which collects the pomegranate from producers in the Veneto region and nowadays sell for the associates fresh and juiced pomegranates. The University of Padua which will provide scientific support for the economic analysis and market valorization of the innovative product, from agricultural associations (AIC Treviso and UGC Cisl Venezia), an accredited training body (ANAPIA Veneto) and an association for commerce (Confcommercio - Unione Venezia).

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Project funded by Programma di Sviluppo Rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020

Organization responsible for the information: Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento TESAF

Managing Autorithy: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste