Getting here

There are many options to reach Padova. You may find all the information here:

Padova and Legnaro localization
Bus lines connect Padova to Legnaro (about 30 minutes travel). Buses depart from Padova bus station every 15 minutes between 7:30 and 8:45 a.m. and every 30 minutes during the rest of the day. Timetables can be found here:

You can easily reach the Corte Benedettina (room: Sala Montecchio) from the three bus stops indicated in the aerial photo of Legnaro. One bus stop is at the Corte Benedettina, one is in Legnaro centre (5-min walk from the Corte Benedettina) and one is in front of the Agripolis campus of the University of Padova (10-min walk).

Address: Corte Benedettina entrance is in via Orsaretto 8, Legnaro (province of Padova)

How to reach Corte Benedettina